(not very good quality)

I have used many different effects to mimic the sheer chaos and the adverse effect on the mind during the use of cocaine. I wanted to cause the viewer distress and to make them feel uncomfortable through using spirals and flashing imagery. This combined with the audio takes the viewer through an uneasy 'trip' similar to that of a drug user. I have combined several of the techniques shown before to create an effective end result.

These are some rough sketches of possible ideas to include in my animation... They are all based around the theme of brains and human biology as i felt this was relevant to the theme of a cocaine brain!

The words below were some of the words I had found in my research. I drew them all differently as I felt this would add more interest to my animation.

After deciding against the idea of using robots I came up with a new idea to show the stages when someone is high on drugs. After doing some research I found out all the different stages someone could go through after taking cocaine. I then wrote my story board mainly focusing on the words that described each of the stages. I drew some illustrations of things that could be associated with the brain and included some in my storyboard. The idea of the storyboard is someone being taken on a journey through a brain and showing the different emotions someone will feel after taking cocaine.

I looked at a youtube tutorial and learnt how to make this animation. It is simple but it has given me a wider understanding of how to use After Effects and I feel I will be able to interpret this into my final animation.

For the animation above I use trapcode, I felt this gave a good effect and will definitely consider this when designing my final outcome!

For this animation I used my audio track that I was given to try and capture the chaotic sounds. I created a form that moves according to the sound of the audio I did this by linking the audio react to the layer that the audio was on.

I made this animation by using an effect called 3D stroke. I then messed about with the variables and made the size of the shape and the repetitions etc. I felt this went well with my audio track too.

The idea for my storyboard is that you are travelling through a brain therefore I experimented with different ways to create a tunnel effect, I felt this was quite effective. For this animation I used a starburst effect and duplicated them and then made them both have different radial blurs to create the illusion of going through a tunnel.

After deciding against the robot idea I decided to do some research into who created the audio track and found that their intentions were to create shape from sound and their inspiration comes from a very urban background. One of the quotes they used to describe their music was 'fluid yet angular' therefore I could potentially use this idea in my design. This then lead me to look for more abstract animations to inspire me. I found the ones below to be particularly relevant and inspiring...

After further research into Autechre I found some interesting animations that had been made by the producers themselves which they say to be 'the perfect representation of their music'. I looked to see if I could find it and found one which I think is very effective. When creating my storyboard I feel I should consider some of their ideas and make them my own.


 My first thought was to do a robot invasion and did a few drawings of robots and scanned them into illustrator to image trace them. After much consideration I decided the robot invasion is too literal and possibly too predictable for this audio track. I felt something more abstract would be more effective. 

After being given the soundtrack Gantz Graf by Autechre, 

I listened to it several times and thought of three words that i felt reflected the audio well. These were: 

I felt these were the most appropriate words which then lead me to think of possible ideas for my animation.


Here are a few animations I found particularly interesting when first looking animations. 
This stop motion animation uses post it notes and caught my eye due to the fact that it is obvious how the animation has been created and it must have taken a very long time to produce. I found the producer of this animation to be very inspiring as it must have taken a lot of patience and precision for such an effective piece using the simplest of materials.

Another type of animation that I thought worked well is called rotoscope animation which gives a very effective outcome as to produce it you have to draw over videos. This means that the frames become very realistic. Here is an example...

I found a 2D animation that I love because of the simplicity of it! I can't seem to get the video to work so here is the URL. 

I searched on youtube for shape animations as I feel I will be capable to produce something like this. I found this one was simple but very effective...