I looked at a youtube tutorial and learnt how to make this animation. It is simple but it has given me a wider understanding of how to use After Effects and I feel I will be able to interpret this into my final animation.

For the animation above I use trapcode, I felt this gave a good effect and will definitely consider this when designing my final outcome!

For this animation I used my audio track that I was given to try and capture the chaotic sounds. I created a form that moves according to the sound of the audio I did this by linking the audio react to the layer that the audio was on.

I made this animation by using an effect called 3D stroke. I then messed about with the variables and made the size of the shape and the repetitions etc. I felt this went well with my audio track too.

The idea for my storyboard is that you are travelling through a brain therefore I experimented with different ways to create a tunnel effect, I felt this was quite effective. For this animation I used a starburst effect and duplicated them and then made them both have different radial blurs to create the illusion of going through a tunnel.

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